Engine Protection
Protect your engine From Contamination.
Pre-filters & Oil Separators
When exploring Australia you need to be prepared for anything, including poor quality fuel. A Pre-filter system ensures a high degree of water separation and particle pre-separation. The Direction Plus PreLine-Plus kits we fit include an intuitive multi-stage water alert that differentiates these pre-filters from all others on the market.
It’s easy to think that fuel contamination is something that happens “in the bush” but this is simply not true! Did you know that 72% of all diesel fuel injection system failures are caused by water and fuel lubricity problems? Direction Plus Diesel Fuel Pre-Filter Kits protect late model common rail diesel engines against costly injector failure.
Installing a Direction Plus™ Pre-Fuel Filter kit between the fuel tank and the O.E.M fuel filter will remove the majority of water and particle contamination. This leaves the O.E.M fuel filter to do the final filtration. This ensures you are maximising the protection of your diesel fuel system.
Direction Plus also has the ProVent oil separator kit that protects your modern diesel engine by substantially reducing the amount of oil entering the engine from blow-by gas in the crankcase ventilation system. This system is specifically designed to separate and redirect oil and air from blow-by gas produced from within the crank case.
Dangers of Fuel Contamination for Diesel Injectors
Exposure to poor quality or contaminated diesel can build up inside of injectors causing wear on the valves which leads to failure. These failures can increase the risk of costly engine problems, especially in modern vehicles, with tell tale signs of contamination including:
Rough engine start up
Loss of power or RPM
Abnormal exhaust smoke
Engine Protection Options
At the Towing Performance Centre we install a variety of engine protection solutions with pre-filters & oil separators from Preline & Provent.
Intuitive multi stage water alert system (visual and audible)
100% water separation efficiency (based on 300um droplet size)
98% particle separation (based on 30micron particles)
Reliable protection from corrosion and abrasion
No need to visually check for water – included alarm
Simple spin on style filter
Prevents oil and soot contamination entering the clean air intake
Excellent protection for turbocharger & Minimises oil consumption*
Prevents oil buildup in intercoolers & Regulates crankcase pressure
Keeps critical engine components clean & Reduces exhaust smoke and odours
98% oil separation efficiency
*Only in installations where the oil is returned to the sump
Reduce wear & tear and avoid repair costs that can exceed $10,000
95% water separation and superior particle removal
Ability to separate emulsified water from ULSD
Clear water drainage bowl to easily identify removed water
Keeps critical engine components clean
No filter bypass – contaminated fuel will not be sent to the fuel system even when the filter is blocked
Previous Engine Protection Installations
Looking for some inspiration for your vehicle? Here’s just a few examples of vehicles that have had engine protection installed at the Towing Performance Centre.
Ready to protect your tow vehicle or 4wd? Have a chat with the experts at the Towing Performance Centre today to see what engine protection solutions are right for your vehicle. Complete the booking form below or give us a call on 07 3624 3821. *Vehicle services available in our QLD Location Only